18 July 2021_Pentecost 8_Sunday Worship Service_Alan Keast

15 Jul 2021 by Seungjae Yeon in: Worship Online

Sunday Worship Service


Pentecost 8

Leader: Alan Keast


Click to view pdf version 



This service is prepared by Mr. Alan Keast, one of our lay preachers at Boronia Park Uniting Church. In his preparation, Jenny Keast (Prayers of the People and Bible Reading), Rosemary Brook (Children and Young People Address), Isabella Lee (Singer) and Grace Song (Piano) join participate in leading the worship service.




My name is Alan Keast and I am one of the members of the congregation here at Boronia Park Uniting Church. Thank you for joining us online this Sunday.


If you have any issues or concerns please do not hesitate to contact one of our elders or leave a message on the church office phone number and one of our church leaders will contact you as soon as possible.





Father, we thank and praise you

for the life you have so richly given us.

Thank you for the incredible blessing

of being your sons and daughters

and for the intricate and beautiful creations

you have made us to be.


Lord, we give you all that we are

and ask that we might engage with your Spirit today.

We lift our hearts that you might fill them with love.


We lift our minds

that you might pour fresh hope

into our thinking.

We lift our souls

that they may bathe in your grace.


We lift our hands and our voices

to sing your praises,

as we come to worship and adore you

our Lord, our great Creator.


Today we offer you our whole beings in worship to you.



Let us join together in worship and sing to God.




Verse 1     

The Lord is my shepherd,

and I want to follow

wherever he leads me,

wherever he goes.

Over the mountains,

the waters and byways,

valleys and highways

he’s waiting for us.



I want to go to meet him there,

to lay myself down in his love.

The Lord is my shepherd

and I want to follow

wherever he leads me,

wherever he goes.


Verse 2     

And while on the journey

to where we are going

he promised to be there

to help us along,

and over the mountains

we’ll walk on together,

to know all the wonders

he’s given to us.



I want to go to meet him there,

to lay myself down in his love.

The Lord is my shepherd

and I want to follow

wherever he leads me,

wherever he goes.

Words and music and arrangement by permission Spectrum Publication (Aust) | CCLI #260394


Alan says,


There is power in worshipping God. If we want to see breakthroughs in our lives and the lives of others, then this is the time to enter into a deeper level of worship. When you and I come boldly to God’s throne in worship, He gives us His plans and strategies for our lives here on earth. There is no way we can walk in his peace, power and perfect plan without a lifestyle of worship.


Let us pray:


Lord I choose to praise and worship you today.

You know how to break through the difficulties in my life.

I choose not to be overwhelmed with circumstances

but instead choose to behold your beauty and greatness.


You are my victorious God.

I will praise your name and proclaim

your salvation day after day.

I will declare your glory among the nations,

your marvellous deeds among all people. (Psalm 96:1-3)

I will sing to the Lord a new song.


Lord, as we consider the servant nature of your Son Jesus Christ,

help us to be servants too.

Help us to be aware of the needs of others

and strong in our responses to those in need.




Verse 1     

Brother, sister, let me serve you;

let me be as Christ to you;

pray that I may have the grace to

let you be my servant too.


Verse 2     

We are pilgrims on a journey,

and companions on the road;

we are here to help each other

walk the mile and bear the load.


Verse 3     

I will hold the Christ light for you

in the night-time of your fear;

I will hold my hand out to you,

speak the peace you long to hear.


Verse 4     

I will weep when you are weeping;

when you laugh I'll laugh with you;

I will share your joy and sorrow,

till we've seen this journey through.


Verse 5     

When we sing to God in heaven

we shall find such harmony,

born of all we’ve know together

of Christ’s love and agony.


Verse 6     

Brother, sister, let me serve you,

let me be as Christ to you;

pray that I may have the grace to

let you be my servant too.

Richard Gilard | CCLI # 260394




Good morning to all our beautiful young people- and to all who are young at heart!


Our Bible reading from Mark’s gospel today talks about how Jesus felt so much compassion for people. We probably know that compassion is a good thing- but what does compassion actually mean?


Do you think this photo might help us? What’s happening?

You’re right! A young girl is upset -maybe she’s crying a little. Maybe she’s tripped and hurt her knee. Maybe she’s in quite a lot of pain. And a little child has put their arms around her and is comforting her.

The little child has:

  • noticed someone else in pain
  • felt what it’s like to be that other person
  • wanted to do something to help reduce that pain

And most importantly,

  • gone out of their way to do something practical to comfort and help the young girl.

These four things help us understand what compassion is, and the photo is called, One child showing compassion for another child.


This photo might remind you of when you’ve gone out of your way and shown compassion for another person - maybe your sister or brother or a friend or someone you know. You’re never too young to show compassion!

Now, many people have been inspired by Jesus to take action to help reduce the pain or suffering of others. We know, don’t we, that Jesus spent a lot of his time healing people who were sick and comforting people who were sad or poor or in distress.


Can you think of some people who have loved God and gone out of their way, often to far off places, to show compassion and help others?

  • Mother Teresa went to Calcutta – she cared for very poor people, often close to dying- who had no-one else to care for them
  • Father Damien went to Hawaii – he cared for lepers - isolated on an island in Hawaii
  • Doctors Catherine Hamlin and her husband went from Australia to Ethiopia-caring for women who were not allowed to be part of their village because they were ill with very off-putting symptoms.
  • They made a real difference to so many people’s lives. And their work still continues today, but now by others.


There are many charities and organisations that have been set up because people wanted to share - and show- Jesus’ compassion for others. 


Have a talk with your family about organisations with a Christian heart that show compassion for others. Perhaps you might like to start a list… Our own Uniting Church has UnitingCare and we at Boronia Park UC support The Christmas Bowl. There are many others that you might know, for example, The Red Cross and The Salvation Army and perhaps World Vision Australia and in Ashfield, the Bill Crews Foundation. I have just discovered Compassion Australia which supports children in extreme poverty.


Lately, I’ve been to two Sydney hospitals because a friend and a family member are very unwell. My friend (since we met on Day 1 of Year 7) has been at The Mater Hospital at North Sydney and the Mater says,


We bring God’s love to those in need through the healing ministry of Jesus.


How did this wonderful hospital start you might ask. Way back in 1906, a few Sisters of Mercy in the Catholic Church set up a small cottage hospital, caring for women and children. The Mater is now a very large, world class hospital and especially helps people who are poor or vulnerable.


A family member was at The San Hospital at Wahroonga near Hornsby. The San mentions on their website how important it is that they show compassion to their patients. You might like to find out which church set up that hospital… a hint, it was earlier than 1906!

Lots of people who love Jesus have done amazing things because of Jesus’ example of compassion. They have done this always with God’s help. Isn’t it fantastic that all of us can help others and show compassion, even from the time we are little, just as in the photo. Let us close in prayer.


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for loving us all the time.

Thank you for your Son Jesus who showed us

how to truly and deeply care for others.

Help us to become more like your Son in caring for our families, our friends, our neighbours and your world.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.




The Gospel reading is from Mark 6:30-34 (NLT).


Jesus Feeds Five Thousand


30 The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. 31 Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.


32 So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone.33 But many people recognized them and saw them leaving, and people from many towns ran ahead along the shore and got there ahead of them.34 Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.


This is the Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.




From heaven you came helpless babe

Entered our world, your glory veiled

Not to be served but to serve

And give Your life that we might live


This is our God, The Servant King

He calls us now to follow Him

To bring our lives as a daily offering

Of worship to The Servant King


There in the garden of tears

My heavy load he chose to bear

His heart with sorrow was torn

'Yet not My will but Yours, ' He said


This is our God, The Servant King

He calls us now to follow Him

To bring our lives as a daily offering

Of worship to The Servant King


Come see his hands and his feet,

the scars that speak of sacrifice,

hands that flung stars into space

to cruel nails surrendered.


This is our God, The Servant King

He calls us now to follow Him

To bring our lives as a daily offering

Of worship to The Servant King


So let us learn how to serve

and in our lives enthrone him;

each other’s needs to prefer,

for it is Christ we’re serving.


This is our God, The Servant King

He calls us now to follow Him

To bring our lives as a daily offering

Of worship to The Servant King

© 1983 G. Kendrick, Kingway’s Thankyou MusicCCLI #260394




From this passage I have tried to elicit examples of ways Jesus would want us to be of service to Him.


  1. The disciples returned to Jesus – what a reminder for us to “return” to Jesus after our travels and after our day’s work, through a quiet time of reflection, reading the bible and a time of prayer.


  1. And told him all they had done and taught – communication between disciples and Jesus and we too can have that communication, telling him about our days and what we had done and with whom we had interacted and conversed. We need to communicate with Jesus honestly and tell Him about the highs and lows of our day, those with whom we have come in contact, their needs and concerns and our petitions for them.


  1. Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” – Jesus knew what was needed and we should be reminded of the need to go off to a quiet place, to rest a while with him and we can do this through the concept of quiet times and prayer.


  1. Jesus had concern for his disciples – and he still has concerns and love for us, his disciples in the modern world. He knew what they needed. He knows what we need and constantly responds by providing for our needs.


  1. And they didn’t have time to eat – Jesus knew the pressure that life had brought to them all and knew that as well as spiritual support they needed physical support, and food. There are times in our lives when we can get so busy that we need to remember to take times for our own needs.


  1. So they left by boat to a quiet place where they could be alone – do you have such a quiet place? Do you need one? Should this be something we put on our “TO DO” list?


  1. Jesus saw them (the crowds) and he had compassion on them – despite everything we have just noted and the news about the death of John the Baptist, Jesus had it in his heart to have compassion. Are there occasions when you should have had compassion but didn’t? How do you demonstrate compassion in your life? These questions are challenges for me as well as for you.


  1. Mark says that Jesus saw they were like sheep without a shepherd – always we can come across the sheep and shepherd messages in the bible – it is there so often from famous psalms like 23 to the concept of Jesus being the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world – Moses leaving Egypt etc Jesus sees that we are like sheep without a shepherd. We need the care and guidance of Jesus in our lives. When we wander away as sheep do, we lose the protection of the shepherd. The closer we stay to Jesus the more we will feel His presence and love.


  1. So he began teaching them – tired and worn out and hungry and

needing privacy and quietness, Jesus started to teach them. When there are people with needs, Jesus satisfied their spiritual hunger before considering their earthly hunger. He will do this for us. Is this a message to us that spiritual hunger and satisfying it should be a priority? The message to us is that we should have a spiritual hunger and we should be seeking to satisfy it by as many ways that are open to us – by participating in worship, by reading the bible, by praying and by reading wisdom from other Christians.


Of course the feeding of the five thousand comes next but we needed to look at this passage first. There have been so many sermons on the next passage, we can thank God that we did not miss the ideas or strategies (little gems) hidden before the big passage of feeding the five thousand. 




Dear Heavenly Father.


We come before you once again to acknowledge your greatness. Even in difficult times you are the God who knows all, understands all and controls all. This is true, even though we do not have your mind and cannot see the big picture.


Forgive us for not allowing you to make the best decisions for us and for pursuing goals that may not be those that reflect our commitment to you. We continue to bring before you the COVID situation at the moment. Be close to those whose lives have been hugely impacted by this virus. Give wisdom to our leaders so that they make the best decisions for our state and country. Help us to be aware of those around us who need particular care and prayers at this time. Heal disappointments and changed lives to accommodate this escalating virus. Thank you Lord that vaccines are becoming more accessible and reducing the severity of sickness. We pray for more to help vaccinate our young people.


Thank you Lord for all those who have responded to needs in our church and community.


We pray for the Uniting Church congregations and faith communities and chaplains in the City of Ryde Zone that they can continue Ministry in this difficult time.


We pray for HSC students who once again are impacted by a disruption to school life. Please be with them.


This week we pray for Djibouti, Somalia and your continued support of faithful people who help provide stability in Government and resources for further development.


There are so many prayers needed for so many people at this time Lord, hear the prayers of our hearts and those of faithful people everywhere. Strengthen and support us to endure difficult times. Thank you for faithful church members who are keeping in our church functioning at this time. Bless our minister Seungjae and his family and help us appreciate their continued work in our Parish.


We pray all these prayers in Jesus’ name,






Our Father in heaven, 

hallowed be your name,



하늘에 계신 우리 아버지, 

아버지의 이름을 거룩하게 하시며,


your kingdom come, your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.




아버지의 나라가 오게 하시며, 

아버지의 뜻이 하늘에서와 같이 

땅에서도 이루어지게 하소서.


Give us today our daily bread.

我們日用的飲食 今日賜給我們,

오늘 우리에게 일용할 양식을 주시고,


Forgive us our sins, 

as we forgive those who sin against us.

免我們的債 如同我們免了人的債

우리가 우리에게 잘못한 사람을 

용서하여 준 것같이 

우리 죄를 용서하여 주시고,


Save us from the time of trial 

and deliver us from evil.   



우리를 시험에 빠지지 않게 하시고 

악에서 구하소서.


For the kingdom, the power, 

and the glory are yours now and for ever.

因為國度, 權柄, 榮耀, 全是祢的, 直到永遠.

나라와 권능과 영광이 

영원히 아버지의 것입니다.






Verse 1     

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side;

bear patiently the cross of grief and pain;

leave to your God to order and provide;

in every change he faithful will remain.

Be still, my soul: your best, your heavenly friend

through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.


Verse 2     

Be still, my soul: your God will undertake

to guide the future as he has the past.

Your hope, your confidence let nothing shake,

all now mysterious shall be clear at last.

Be still, my soul: the tempests still obey

his voice, who ruled them once on Galilee.




The offering will be used for the congregation’s continuing mission and ministry in these changing times. Please make your offering through a Bank Deposit or a personal cheque whichever is convenient to you.


Account Name: Boronia Park Uniting Church

BSB: 634-634                    

Account: 100023784

Reference: Offering      


Please contact Robyn Harvey, Treasurer on 0418 783 290 or

robyn.49@bigpond.net.au for more information about how to make Direct Debit.




Loving God,

we thank you for hearing our prayers,

Feeding us with your word

And encouraging us as we have met in homes though not face to face.


Take us and use us

To love and serve you and all people

In the power of your spirit

And in the name of your son Jesus Christ our Lord.


Alan says,


The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make his face shine upon you

and be gracious to you

The Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace.




May the feet of God walk with you,

and his hand hold you tight.

May the eye of God rest on you,

and his ear hear your cry.

May the smile of God be for you,

and his breath give you life.

May the Child of God grow in you,

and his love bring you home.        

Words © A. W. Podlich | Music © R. Mann |CCLI No. 260394