13 December 2020_Sunday Worship_Advent 3_Adventure Worship

15 Dec 2020 by Seungjae Yeon in: Worship Online








Preparing for Worship




Welcome to our worship service today! You may worship online with the people of God at Boronia Park UC together wherever you are through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.




It is a special Sunday for all of us because our growing Sunday school students whose ages between 5 and 11 years old lead this worship service called Adventure! They have been with us as church for quite long time, growing their own ownership and leadership within us in particularly worship. They are emerging and increasing God’s kingdom everyday so aren’t they amazing? This Adventure worship will be for us to see how they would grow and what their future would look like. May full of God’s grace and love with them all and you who join them in spirit. Next time when you see them, I will be able to show you God’s story brought by them to life.






Sunday Worship Part 1



Sunday Worship Part 2



Sunday Worship Part 3









Acknowledgement for the First Peoples – Jayden Lam




We would like to begin this Adventure service by acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we meet today and pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We extend that respect to them with our faithful prayer in this worship.






Lighting of the Advent Candle for Joy – Video clip




For Yolŋu people, joy or Ŋoy- djulŋithinyamirr is a deep feeling of happiness and contentment that comes from practicing Mägaya Rom as we care for country and walk the path that leads to life. God, our Creator brings healing, and fruitfulness and plentiful gifts to share. In knowing you, is our true joy. In sharing your gifts, we find true contentment.






The Greeting – Heather Yeon




The Lord is here.


His Spirit is with us.




We have come here today to prepare ourselves for a journey through Advent. The season of Advent often gets lost because people are looking forward to celebrating Christmas. In our schools, children start to focus on Christmas long before it arrives, mainly because the end of term is just before Christmas. But today it is the third Sunday of Advent, the mid-way of the Advent season, and as the whole church family gathers here we are going to focus on Advent and check out where we are now in this journey – an Adventure – together that will lead us to Christmas. It is hoped that by taking this journey together it will make it much easier to hold on to the meaning of Advent.






Assembly Song 1 - Majesty




Majesty, worship His majesty.


Unto Jesus be all glory,


honour, and praise.




Majesty, kingdom authority


flow from His throne


Unto His own; His anthem raise.




So exalt, lift up on high


The name of Jesus.


Magnify, come glorify


Christ Jesus, the King.




Majesty, worship His majesty –


Jesus who died, now glorified,


King of all kings.




Jack Hayford © 1981 New Spring


CCLI Licence # 260394






Prayer of the Day – Michelle Lam




Advent is a time to reflect on our lives. We not only look at the good things we have done but also the not-so-good. As we worship God this moment, let us be aware of the things that burden us. Going on an Adventure with a heavy load makes the going much more difficult. So let us for a moment reflect on all the things that we would like to put down and ask forgiveness.




Let us pray:




We are so busy, Lord


We have so much to do


Christmas is coming


We have no time to stop


Forgive us, Lord


Forgive us, Lord




Sometimes your path feels hard, Lord


When the going gets rough


it is easier to give up


and find no time for you


Forgive us, Lord


Forgive us, Lord




We often get things wrong, Lord


Words get spoken in anger


We are greedy with your creation


We worship our possessions


Forgive us, Lord


Forgive us, Lord




We are often unaware of our neighbour


We put ourselves before others


We are full of distrust and fear


We forget that you are there at all times


Forgive us, Lord


Forgive us, Lord, and help us to turn back to you


and rejoice in being called children of God.




Silence is kept




God of Adventures,


who constantly challenge us


to find a new road to walk,


make us ready to prepare ourselves for this Advent season.


May we go through it with great hope, full of expectation,


making ourselves ready to welcome our Lord at Christmas.


We ask this through Jesus Christ,


who came among us to show us the way.








Bible Reading – Isaiah 61:1-4 (Contemporary English Version)


Jenny and Sebastian Warren


The Good News of Victory




61 The Spirit of the Lord God
    has taken control of me!
The Lord has chosen and sent me
to tell the oppressed
    the good news,
to heal the brokenhearted,
and to announce freedom
    for prisoners and captives.
This is the year
    when the Lord God
will show kindness to us
    and punish our enemies.


The Lord has sent me
to comfort those who mourn,
    especially in Jerusalem.


He sent me to give them flowers
    in place of their sorrow,
olive oil in place of tears,
and joyous praise
    in place of broken hearts.
They will be called
    “Trees of Justice,”
planted by the Lord
    to honor his name.
Then they will rebuild cities
that have been in ruins
    for many generations.




This is the Word of the Lord


Thanks be to God.






Song: My Soul Gives Glory to the Lord (TiS 173)








Luke 1:46-53




My soul gives glory to the Lord,


in God my Saviour I rejoice.


My lowliness he did regard,


exalting me by his own choice.


From this day all shall call me blest,


for he has done great things for me;


of all great names his is the best,


for it is holy; strong is he.




His mercy goes to all who fear,


from age to age and to all parts.


His arm of strength to all is near;


he scatters those who have proud hearts.


He casts the mighty from their throne,


and raise those of low degree;


he feeds the hungry as his own;


the rich depart in poverty.




He raised his servant Israel,


rememb’ring his eternal grace,


as from of old he did foretell


to Abraham and all his race.


O Father, Son and Spirit blest,


in three-fold name are you adored;


to you be every prayer addressed,


from age to age the only Lord.




Words and arrangement by permission G.I.A. Publication Inc, Chicago, Illinois


CCLI Licence # 260394






Message for our Young Ones – Seung Jae Yeon




We call life journey. A journey that we may find way for living, seeking values and beliefs, and faith. In that journey, we may be finding and knowing God is there as strong foundation for us. We shall remember times when a new child is born, when we approach all important life’s events, and when we find ourselves facing life’s tragedy – ether in own life or others’. In there, we do our best always to find a better and right direction to continue that journey and finish at the end. I wonder what direction you might take today in your life journey?




We, 21 century human beings, can use GPS or satellite navigator if finding way or direction. Before these techniques, human beings used maps and compass for them to know where they are located in inland or ocean. What about even before the time when maps and compass were only someone’s idea or sketch? In ancient times, human beings know where they are by all objects and landscape around them during day, and by moonlight and stars in night. Stars in the dark sky were only way to tell humans which direction they should go and be located in home or foreign land. For their survival in wild life, they should know about starts and learn from them about direction and finding way forward or home. Stars led them and finding and knowing them direction is fundamental to their journey.




In our famous Christmas story, the three royal visitors or simply three wisemen from the East followed stars. Among those stars, they only followed the one shining in dark sky telling where the newborn King grows. They said to the people in Jerusalem, “Where is the child born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:2, CEV) The wisemen surprised them, making them shameful because of unknowing of their newborn king. The star of the newborn king led three visitors such a long way from the east. But those people living in that region did not know. How dare they did not notice and find though they believed the coming Messiah for them to deliver and to build their own kingdom by the One? Only three wisemen found and trusted the direction where the star of newborn King inspired them the coming Messiah and the King for the people and all human history. The journey that three wisemen had changed the world history that the reign of kingdom of God would be forever whenever the story of Jesus Christ is told and the action and ministry of Him is revealed by His followers no matter where they are. Where Christ Jesus’s words and acts are embodied, there might be the star shining and telling people where they are located in their life’s journey. Wondering where we are now in our life and faith journey guided by Jesus’ words and acts in you?




In today’s passage, prophet Isaiah, with his full confidence in the Lord God, proclaims that God shows us direction and guidance to his people all the time. As God the Father sent the star of his Son Jesus, revealing only to three wise men, the Spirit of God takes control of all who believe in Him. However the direction that God may invite us to go or be sent forth is a bit different to our own desire of living in this life. Isaiah clearly speaks to both the hearers and readers past, present and emerging, about where the heart of God is to be:




The Lord has chosen and sent me


to tell the oppressed


    the good news,


to heal the brokenhearted,


and to announce freedom


    for prisoners and captives.



The Lord has sent me


to comfort those who mourn,


    especially in Jerusalem.


He sent me to give them flowers


    in place of their sorrow,


olive oil in place of tears,


and joyous praise


    in place of broken hearts.          Verses 1 to 3




His prophecy reminds us what the life and ministry of Jesus Christ meant for many who followed Him. The Star, which means Jesus Christ shine above always those who become low and places where injustice and violence may cause people hurt. The Star, leading and guiding us to go never be placed at shiny spots. Always the Star is seen by people who always remember who God is for them and what God has done for them, and who are humble and teachable, accepting not knowing in faith. I encourage all of us to follow the Star this Advent season. Also I want all of us to tell the story about the Star, Jesus Christ in you and with your faith journey this Christmas. In your story telling and action taking others might find and know God is so important and fundamental to our life and faith journey. Let the Good News continue. God delivers. This may give us all joy – a joy that the world never offers. The Joy with the Star shining above us all and guiding us to better direction be with you all.




Thanks be to God. 





Prayers of the People – Emily Han




Let us pray:




Loving God, we pray for your Christian Church worldwide.




As Christians gather together today or are scattered everywhere around the world this third Sunday of Advent, we pray that we will find a way to live together in harmony and so reflect your love to the world.




Lord, hear our prayer.


And lead us all towards your Holy Light.




Loving God, we pray for your world.




So many places in the world are full of darkness and hate. We pray that as we set out on this journey we will be bearers of light, bringing God’s love to all whom we meet. And we pray that all who carry God’s light into dark places, who go as peacemaker, aid agent, and all medical staff during this pandemic, will be given the strength to hold onto Christ’s light and hold it high for all to see.




Lord, hear our prayer.


And lead us all towards your Holy Light.




Loving God, we pray for all in positions of authority.




We hold out to God all who are leaders of countries, leaders of governments, leaders of churches and leaders of communities. May they work with honesty and integrity and be upheld by God’s blessing.




Lord, hear our prayer.


And lead us all towards your Holy Light.




Loving God, we pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit.




We remember those who are unwell at this time. Let us pause and hold them out to God and ask his blessing and healing light to shine upon them and all those who care for them.




Lord, hear our prayer.


And lead us all towards your Holy Light.




Loving God, we pray for those who have died.




We remember those we have loved and who have now left us. May they rest in peace and rise in glory. We pray for those who mourn and those who walk the road with them. May their journey lead to healing and peace.


Lord, hear our prayer.


And lead us all towards your Holy Light.




Loving God, we pray for this day and all that it may hold.




We pray for all those gathered here as they take their Adventure towards Christmas. May they meet you on the road and arrive at Christmas full of Advent hope, peace, joy and love.




Lord, hear our prayer.


And lead us all towards your Holy Light.






The Lord’s Prayer




Our Father in Heaven,


hallowed be your name


your kingdom come


your will be done


on earth as in heaven.




Give us today our daily bread.




Forgive us our sins,


as we forgive those who sin against us.




Save us from the time of trial


and deliver us from evil.




For the kingdom, the power,


and glory are yours now and forever. 









Peace - Vivian and Olivia Wong




As Jesus walked the road, he wished peace upon all those he met. May that peace be upon us as we continue our Advent journey.




The peace of the Lord be always with you.


       And also with you.




Let us offer one another a sign of peace.





Assembly Song 3: I Am A Child of God (Hillsong)




Who am I that the highest King


Would welcome me


I was lost but He brought me in


Oh His love for me


Oh His love for me




Who the Son sets free


Oh is free indeed


I’m a child of God


Yes I am




Free at last


He has ransomed me


His grace runs deep


While I was a slave to sin


Jesus died for me


Yes He died for me


Who the Son sets free …




I am chosen


Not forsaken


I am who You say I am


You are for me


Not against me


I am who You say I am




Who the Son sets free …




Words and Music by Ben Fielding & Reuben Morgan


CCLI Licence # 260394









The offering will be used for the congregation’s continuing mission and ministry including young people and youth ministry in these changing times. Please make your offering through a Bank Deposit or a personal cheque whichever is convenient to you.




Account Name: Boronia Park Uniting Church

BSB: 634-634

Account: 100023784

Reference: Offering  




Please contact Robyn Harvey, Treasurer on 0418 783 290 or robyn.49@bigpond.net.au for more information about how to make Direct Debit.









  1. House of Welcome appreciates our donation for their work of foodbank and Christmas gifts. Much appreciated to all doners.


  1. Next Sunday 20 December – Kevin Lee leads the service.
  2. Inter-Church Council Carol Singing – Monday 21 December, starting at Twilight, Hunters Hill at 5pm.
  3. Christmas Lessons and Carol Service – Thursday 24 December at 7:30pm.
  4. Christmas Day Service – Friday 25 December at 8:30am.



The Blessing – Heather Yeon




May the God of Adventure journey among us.


May the God of expectation bring hope into our lives.


May God’s love fill our lives with joy


and may the blessing of God almighty,


Father, Son and Holy Spirit,


be with you on your Advent journey


today and on towards Christmas.






Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.


In the name of Christ. Amen.





Sung Blessing: Jesus You are Lord




Rising from the grave


Died to set us free


full of grace and love


shining above all


Jesus You are Lord


Full of grace and love

shining above all

Jesus You are Lord




Tune: Beauty and the Beast


Words: Peter Rowe