Our Vision

Boronia Park Uniting Church sees it as a privilege that we are part of the community and we want to let those around us know that God can and will transform our lives. It can feel like a family because sometimes we have different views, but that's what makes us part of the Body of Christ.

Boronia Park Uniting Church's vision is to be a hub-gathering place in the community. Sometimes a hub helps out those who seek a space for meeting, sometimes it creates safe space for many to share what they believe and value.

We hope when you come to Boronia Park Uniting Church you become an integral part of the fabric of our Church.

Our Mission Statement

"To be a joyful people, convinced of God's love, and led by God's Spirit, reaching out to other"

Our Values

The Uniting Church is:

  • inclusive and generous
  • honest and accountable
  • just and compassionate
  • hopeful and courageous.

Our Beliefs

Click here for our full statement of belief. 

A Few More Details

Boronia Park Uniting Church is a Congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. You can find out more about the Uniting Church here.

And more...

Sydney Central Coast Presbytery

Uniting Church NSW & ACT Synod

Uniting Church Assembly

The Basis of Union