30 August 2020_Pentecost 13_Youth Full Sunday Worship

29 Aug 2020 by Seungjae Yeon in: Worship Online


The most elegant of bulbs, tulips come in almost every colour, from white and pastels to inky purple, as well as bicolours. In addition to the classic tulip shape, there are doubles, fringed and 'parrot' types with feathered, irregular petals. Tulips grow best in a cool climate and should be lifted each year after the foliage dies down. The bulbs will benefit from a chilling period, before planting from late May for flowering from September through October. Can't wait for spring? Grow tulips in a vase to enjoy their beautiful blooms at any time of year.
Photo: Claire Takacs / bauersyndication.com.au

(From website "5 best spring flowering bulbs")


Preparing for Worship


The worship resources provided in Uniting in Worship 2 (the Uniting Church’s book of worship), generally sort into two categories: ecclesial rites and pastoral rites. Ecclesial rites are primarily for the entire community gathered (apart at the moment) into one body. We use those for funeral and wedding, baptism and Sunday worship services. The others, pastoral rites are designed primarily for pastoral care of individual members, especially in moments that mark significant personal transitions or challenges. Pastoral rites are based on the mutual understanding and relationship between the members and the minister.


Thus, for the next few Sundays, the worship resources provided intend to use those pastoral rites as basic form of worship. You, as intended audience, may be the chief participant who is most directly affected by the situation, which calls for the use of that rite. Sometimes you may be one of onlookers present by invitation, following all responses. I hope that you would find your own faith journey in joining the rites.


First rite we may begin with is called “A Blessing of a Home”. Of course, you may bless your home or the place that you dwell this moment. Especially, for this rite, the members of Boronia Park Youth Group (logo below) are the chief participants, leading the service for us. And the rest of the congregation may join them in worship.



You can watch the full worship service on YouTube below. 



Acknowledgement for the First Peoples


We, Boronia Park Youth Group would like to begin by acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we meet today and pay my respects to their Elders past and emerging.


We extend that respect to them with our faithful prayer in this worship.





Individual or family may gather in the main room of the house.


Peace be to this house.

And with all who live here.


When Christ took flesh and dwelt among us,

he made his home in Nazareth,

and by his life with Mary and Joseph,

his table-fellowship with friends and with sinners,

he who had nowhere to lay his head,

blessed the life of many homes.


When he came to Jericho, Jesus said to Zacchaeus,

‘I must stay at your house today.

Today salvation has come to this house’.



Statement of Purpose


Friends, we have gathered to seek God’s blessing on this home.


It is often in our family home that we first experience the love of God. Amongst friends, we learn and enjoy hospitality in a home. The words in Hebrews 13:1-2 (NIV) may be a strong biblical reference for us to remember. It says,


“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers,

for by so doing some people have shown hospitality

to angels without knowing it.”


Our dwelling place and the people who live there form a unit of the Church that gathers for worship on either the Lord’s Day or any day given for us to remember the grace of Jesus Christ. Prayer in the home is a reflection and a participation in the prayer of the whole Church.


It is right therefore that we should invite God to be present in our home. This may be now as we have been in difficult times and circumstances. We believe in God who dwells amongst us today but sometime may ask sincerely to come into our life and family. Here, as we are gathering in the presence of God, rather than a specific kind of building.


In this rite, we will pray to God for his mighty presence upon us, blessing upon all components of house that may give a comfort space and sing Almighty God who be our permanent home in eternal life.



Opening Prayer


Let us pray:


Blessed are you, O God,

for you framed the universe

as the dwelling place of creation

and your Word pitched a tent in humanity’s midst.

Grant the grace of your presence in this home.


May you dwell within this place,

any may those who live here,

and those who enter here,

find shelter in your loving presence.





Song            Blessed Be Your Name


Verse 1

Blessed be Your name

In the land that is plentiful

Where Your streams of abundance flow

Blessed be Your name


Verse 2

Blessed be Your name

When I'm found in the desert place

Though I walk through the wilderness

Blessed be Your name


Ev’ry blessing You pour out I’ll

Turn back to praise

When the darkness closes in Lord

Still I will say



Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your glorious name


Verse 3

Blessed be Your name

When the sun's shining down on me

When the world's all as it should be

Blessed be Your name


Verse 4

Blessed be Your name

On the road marked with suffering

Though there's pain in the offering

Blessed be Your name


Ev’ry blessing You pour out I’ll

Turn back to praise

When the darkness closes in Lord

Still I will say



You give and take away

You give and take away

My heart will choose to say

Lord blessed be Your name



Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your glorious name



Beth Redman | Matt Redman

CCLI Licence # 260394



The Gospel


A reading from the Gospel of Luke.


By this time they had reached the village

to which they were going,

and Jesus made as if to continue his journey,

but they pressed him:

‘Stay with us, for evening draws on,

and the day is almost over’.

So he went in to stay with them.

And when he had sat down with them at table,

he too, bread and said the blessing;

he broke the bread, and offered it to them.

Then their eyes were opened,

and they recognised him;

and he vanished from their sight.

They said to one another,

‘Did we not feel our hearts on fire

as he talked with us on the road

and explained the Scripture to us?’               Luke 24:28-32


All may say:


Stay with us, Lord,

and dwell in this home,

that we may honour you as our friend,

and serve you as our Saviour.




Grown-up's Talk      Ashley Han


Please watch the video. You may find her talk there.



Sermon         Seung Jae Yeon


Home. Home means a place and time for me to be me. Without any social or trained titles given by others, I am wholly who I am at home. It is still the same now and when I was little. It is not always perfect. However, I return home after my day. I relax and ease myself at home.


There are feelings like love, affection, familiarity, irritation and more of belonging no matter whether not or is good. End up in one place. Some are made of brick, timber, plastic or other materials. Some are strange because it is so different to the image of home that they never dwelt before. Home makes us comfortable, content and wonder. At home or a place called home, we are able to see things that we cannot see out there. Home is like a magic place and time where God may reveal how He is for us unexpectedly by thoughts, words, and acts of its members. So this moment what would you see people revealing God’s presence to you and other members at home? Is it truly a God who you dream of? Does it make your faith stronger than yesterday?


I can tell that I am being formed and transformed at home in my entire life. All ideas, thoughts, values, languages both verbal and non-verbal were formed at home. Sometimes I am surprised to find myself because of my words and deeds that my parents used, my recipes that my mother cooked, and my values that my father always stressed. Also I have had common values that my Grace and my three children practise. Am I speaking my parents’ and children’s languages instead of mine? Am I seeing the world in the perspective of Grace and my mother? I think it is ok. All I have is in me, my true self. Through my five senses, my experiences and my life, I do communicate with others to express who I truly am. What would I learn from them to live my life and faith in Jesus Christ this moment?


The passage from Luke tells us about Jesus’ journey after the resurrection. He walked miles with his friends to Emmaus after he rose from the grave. His friends wanted to stay the night at someone’s home because it was dark, and they were feeling so tired. He granted and then sat with them. As he had always done, during the dinner time, he shared bread and wine with them to celebrate the day’s journey and their new identity in the kingdom of God. It is so strange to witness that their eyes were opened and then they recognised him. Then Jesus disappeared. Where was he now? Then they confessed to each other that they felt that their hearts were burning on the walk to Emmaus as Jesus talked and explained the Scripture to them. At home, the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ transformed their lives again that they now truly became who they are as Christ’ followers confessing ‘the Lord has really risen’. The home was a significant place and time for God to reveal His Son Jesus to them. In sitting around a table, sharing a simple meal, conversing with each other all the topic that they had had during the walk, God revealed the life everlasting in His Son who rose again to life eternal. The home, warm home, where they sit together meant for them a new chapter in their lives, a fresh new start, safety, security and unity in God the Father of all His children.


During the current pandemic, we would have had more time to be at home. Also the importance of home is more emerging to each and every one of us. I may encourage all of us that we do our best effort to make home, a safe haven and a comfort zone. A place to live with our families and pets. A place to build all memories as well as a way to build own future. Most of all, a place where we can truly just be ourselves. And whether our houses are big, small, familiar or strange, they are our shelters and our church where we grow a faith in Jesus Christ, the risen Lord and the Friend of all. And your home is the most sacred place. Because in your faith, Jesus Christ dwell among you.


Home. This moment, your home is your fortress to protect you and your sanctuary to remember Jesus Christ, and God’s kingdom to increase. Come and be round your heart, your home.





The Blessing of the Home


Daniel Yeon says,


God, Source of all blessing,

your presence makes every dwelling

a holy temple.


Enter this home,

to hallow it in pureness and beauty of love,

and surround it with contentment and joy.


Ashley Han says,


Lord Jesus Christ,

you taught us to build

the house of our life

upon the solid rock of your truth.


Grant that your servants,

all our Youth Group members

may hold fast to your teaching,

and be built up in faith, in hope, and in love.


 Oscar Lee says,


Holy Spirit of God,

you desire to find a home in each of us.


So dwell with all families of Boronia Park Uniting Church

that you will be their shelter when at home,

their companion when away,

and their welcome guest when they return.


Bianca Lee says,


Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

one God, blessed for ever:

expel and put away from this house

all power and presence of darkness.


Watch over and defend this home,

and let no evil come near your servants,

that they may be guarded by your angels

and folded in your eternal love.


Isabella Lee leads the responsive reading,


May God give blessing

to this house and all who come here.

May Jesus give blessing

to this house and all who come here.

May Spirit give blessing

to this house and all who come here.


May all who come here give blessing

to this house and all they meet here:


both crest and frame,

both stone and beam,

both window and timber,

both foot and head,

both gate and door,

both coming and going,


both man and woman,

both parent and child,

both young and old,

both wisdom and youth,

both guest and host,

both stranger and friend.


Joshua Yeon leads the responsive reading,


Peace on each window that lets in light.

Peace to each corner of the room.


Peace on each place that family members sleep.

Peace to each plate and bowl that cradle food.


Peace of the Father, peace of the Son,

peace of the Spirit, peace of the One.





The Lord’s Prayer


Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done on earth as in heaven. 


Give us today our daily bread.


Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.


Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.


For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours now and forever.





Song                King of My Heart


Verse 1

Let the King of my heart

Be the mountain where I run

The fountain I drink from

Oh He is my song

Let the King of my heart

Be the shadow where I hide

The ransom for my life

Oh He is my song



You are good good oh

You are good good oh

You are good good oh

You are good good oh


Verse 2

Let the King of my heart

Be the wind inside my sails

The anchor in the waves

Oh He is my song

Let the King of my heart

Be the fire inside my veins

The echo of my days

Oh He is my song



You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down

You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down

You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down

You're never gonna let

Never gonna let me down



You are good good oh

You are good good oh

You are good good oh

You are good good oh



When the night is holding on to me

God is holding on

When the night is holding on to me

God is holding on


John Mark McMillan | Sarah McMillan

CCLI Licence # 260394



Offering and Prayer


The offering will be used for the congregation’s continuing mission and ministry including young people and youth ministry in these changing times. Please make your offering through a Bank Deposit or a personal cheque whichever is convenient to you.


Account Name: Boronia Park Uniting Church

BSB: 634-634

Account: 100023784

Reference: Offering


Please contact Robyn Harvey, Treasurer on 0418 783 290 or robyn.49@bigpond.net.au for more information about how to make Direct Debit.





May God bless you

and keep you secure in this holy place;

and may all find in you Christ’s love and understanding.


Go in peace:

to love and serve the Lord. Amen.


NEXT SUNDAY – 6 September 2020

The service will be prepared and led by the people of Boronia Park Uniting Church.

Bible Reading – Joshua 1:6-9 (NLT), Justin Han

Children’s Talk – Rosemary Brook

Prayers of the People – Barnabas Joo

Local churches’ Prayer Cycle: Hunters Hill Congregational Church

World Cycle of Prayer: Ghana, Nigeria