15 November 2020_Sunday Worship_Pentecost 24_Youth Full Sunday Worship

14 Nov 2020 by Seungjae Yeon in: Worship Online



Preparing for Worship



Welcome to our worship service today! You may know that we Boronia Park Uniting Church has 7 young Christians who are committed to Christ Jesus and faithful to each other among congregation members. They are called BPYG, Boronia Park Youth Group. And they have their own logo (Above) designed by Isabella Lee, which has the meaning of ‘God’s house you may belong (if you rotate it 90 degree to the left)’. How amazing, isn’t it?


As they are growing, we truly believe that they are increasing God’s kingdom and their faith in Jesus Christ every day. Also their identity as Christian and ownership in Boronia Park Uniting Church are stretching bigger and deeper. This worship service, as part of their faith journey, may give us all a great opportunity to see where we are in God’s plan that we might measure just little bit in our human ability. May God be here and now with our young people and emerging generation of our church.



Acknowledgement for the First Peoples

This week many Australians, no matter they are Christians or not, have observed NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week 2020. This year’s theme is “Always Was, Always Will Be”. As we acknowledge their custodianship of this land which we gather, I want us to spend time to think about our relationship with the First Peoples in reading the reflection written by Alison Overeem.



Always was – Always will be


Always was

Always will be

The Lands I walk on

And the Lands that walk within me


To know the history of First Peoples

Is to know the importance of place,

To know what being on country is,

Is to know and feel the connection


To want to hear the stories and feel the stories is our call to all,

To want to know and hear the Lands

as a gift, to our being and knowing,

To know and hear from First Peoples, is how we as First and

Second Peoples are called to the growing


To know the significance and compass that abounds us, as First

Peoples through place, is to know our links to the Land surpasses all

time and space


But in knowing that connection

Is to know and reflect on, dispossession and it’s true realisation,

To hear the land relation, is a call to know and reflect on the impacts

of invasion and colonisation


What is country, what is milaythina ningee (Mother Earth) in the

now and in the forever time for First Peoples?


Stolen lands,

At the colonisers hands,

Stolen connection,

By forced removals,

Under the myth of protection,


In Lutrawita* the 9 Nations of our ancestors lived in harmony with

the Land,

The Land is us,

And we are the Land.


Imagine and reflect on what happens when that is taken away?

Declaration of “ The Black War“ here in Tasmanian must be told and

must be heard,

The impacts of broken Treaties must be learned.


May our Churches and agencies discern,

For it is in Natures classroom that we truly learn.


Learn the struggle and the survival of a people and place In


Hear the cries of our people at the hands of colonisation.


Reflect on Always was Always will be,

Not in words but in action too.


And embrace the message to unlearn and be free,

Not just in words but in hearts, souls and spirits too and reflect on

the privilege of the Land walked on and with:


Know it’s stories

Feel it’s stories

Feel it’s call

And feel it’s heart


Always was

Always will be

Within me


The Land is my compass

It connects me

It connects me to place past present and future too

It’s who I am

It’s who we are as First Peoples


And in the discerning of justice for Land return,

It’s the knowing of the importance of Place,

The healing of Place is the place to Learn


It’s in knowing this connection to Land, through this lens of

discernment the true lessons are learned


Honour the land and the stories sitting within Country wherever you

may be,


And be in the knowing and the growing of:

Always Was

Always Will Be


As you gather;

Can you hear the stories of place?

And as you walk and gather and stand?

Can you hear the connection in the forever time of First Peoples

Connection to Land?


Walk it

Feel it

Know it

Hear it

Honour it

Sit and be


With what it means to truly honour,

The words “Always was Always will be”


* One of Aboriginal tribes in Tasmania.



Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High

Boronia Park Youth Group



Lord I lift Your name on high

Lord I love to sing Your praises

I'm so glad You're in my life

I'm so glad You came to save us


You came from heaven to earth

To show the way

From the earth to the cross

My debt to pay

From the cross to the grave

From the grave to the sky

Lord I lift Your name on high


Rick Founds

CCLI Licence # 260394




Leader: As we pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs, we pray especially, dear Lord, for young people, for those who know You and for those who don’t, for those with whom You have blessed our church community and for those not yet a part of Your family. Let us pray to the Lord;


All:  That our teens and their friends would know Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy;

That they would be equipped to live whole and hopeful lives;

That they would be encouraged and cared for;

That their lives would be filled with the love of family, friends, neighbours, teachers, and others who genuinely care about what is best for them.

Cause their families to be strong, supportive, caring, and loving.

And bless them with mentors and guides who help them negotiate the challenges of life.


Leader: Lord, bless the young people in this faith community with an abundant measure of Your grace and equip us as church to be a faithful conduit of Your grace and love to them:


All:  That they would be faith-filled and faithful by the power of Your Spirit;

That they would live each day blessed and renewed in the assurance of their baptism;

That they would know Your truth and the freedom that comes with it;

That they would grow in Your Word and in its power for life and salvation;

That these young people would be equipped in sharing and caring for each other within the congregation and out in the broader community;

Bless them in their love for each other in Christ and through them, cause them to be a blessing with others.


Leader: We pray, Lord, for Your people everywhere:


All:  For the young and the old, for men and women;

For those who know you and for those who don’t;

For those who labour and for those without work;

For the education and training of children and young people growing toward maturity;

For those with homes and for the homeless;

For the well and for the well-being of those who are sick;

For those who celebrate with friends and for the lonely and those who mourn, that they would be comforted.

For the well fed and for the hungry;

For the rich and for the poor;

For victims of abuse and for those bound up in the terrors of addiction;

For those who celebrate freedom and for those who dream of being free;

For people here and for people everywhere;

For children, youth, young adults, the middle aged, and the old.

Dear God, have mercy and grant all people Your peace for Jesus’ sake. Amen.


Leader: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.


All:  Amen.

June 2011, the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (youthsource.com)



Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11



Let us prepare our ear and heart to hear God’s word.

Today’s reading is about how God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may impart grace to all human being.

What does the word grace mean to you?


For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. 10 Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. 11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.


Reader: This is the Word of the Lord

All:  Thanks be to God.



Song: Psalm 42

Isabella Lee



There's a quiet place

That gives me peace when I'm alone with You

There's a hiding place

Your Spirit's always there when I'm confused

Only You can purify

All this world won't ever satisfy

My heart, it cries


As the deer pants for the water

So my soul, need You Lord

When thirsty God, You're the living water

And my soul, need You Lord

I need You Lord

I'm a stranger here

Thirsty 'cause I know it's not my home

Like a desert here

I need Your living Word for these dry bones

Jesus fill us up again

With Your presence flowing deep within

New life begins


Quench our hearts and fill this space with Heaven like a flood

Holy One reign down on us with Your consuming love

Quench our hearts and fill this space with Heaven like a flood

Holy One reign down on us with Your consuming love


As the deer pants for the water

So my soul, I need You Lord

Thirsty God, You're the living water

And my soul, Jesus, it needs You Lord

I need You Lord


Kirk Franklin |Victoria Kelly

CCLI #269394



Reflection on those questions

BPYG members



Last weekend, our Youth Group members, all 7 members came join a meeting at the manse. It had been such a long time to see face to face all of them at one place since March this year. All looked good, healthy and growing so well. All boys are taller than me so that they looked down on me. Girls are still nice and gentle when they eat and talk. It was a great opportunity of us all to reboot our youth ministry during this pandemic time.

During the meeting, we ate dinner together, checked-in, sang a song titled ‘Lord, I lift your name on high’ and gathered to prepare this Sunday worship called Youth Full Sunday Worship. I wanted them to answer a well-made question that could ask them about their ownership and sense of belonging in our congregation. But I am not a word-smith so I chose different way to make the question. So I told my story:


I love Boronia Park Uniting Church because this church is for me like family that I belong. When my family and I arrived this church 6 years ago, all welcomed us. I, as minister of this congregation, felt that this church is so warm and nice. And my Grace and three children were received as who they are. We all felt at home in this new Christian community. So I love this church so much.


Then I asked them, “how would you make a question that you may answer of what I told you?” Some understood immediately but some didn’t. Ashley and Joshua tried to clarify what I was telling them. Then all got it eventually. Following are the questions that seven youth group members made for me and each other:


Ashley Han: How did you feel when you were welcomed by the Congregation at BPUC?


Bianca Lee: What would you describe BPUC as?


Daniel Yeon: Are you happy that you made decision to come to BPUC? And why?


Isabella Lee: Did you like BPUC when you first came to the church? If yes, why?

Jack Lyons: How would you describe your experience at BPUC?


Joshua Yeon: What was your first experience like at BPUC?


Oscar Lee:  


They did a wonderful job to create those questions. I was so proud of them making a good progress from my story telling. Thus, it is now your turn to answer those questions. As you are improvising the questions, you may read the reading, reflecting on the meaning of God’ grace among us. And how would God’s grace touch our young people and their lives?


Whatever your answers tell, all is about your spiritual home called Boronia Park Uniting Church. This church is where you belong in Jesus Christ. Where you may see God walking with us all and touching our lives every day. And where you have encouraged each other and built each other up as God has done for all of us. Our young were able to make the questions and their answers because you are always doing the same thing. You and I may be a christ to each other and our young people.


Thanks be to God.



Prayers of the People



Let us pray now for the leaders of our church, our world, for those in our community and for our own needs.


We pray that our leaders will be willing to work together

for the good of all people. Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.


We pray for countries being destroyed

by war and violence. Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.


We pray for people in our community

who are hurting. Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.


We pray for peace in our families and communities.

Lord, hear us.

Lord, hear our prayer.


Loving God, listen to the prayers we make

in the name of Jesus.




The Lord’s Prayer


Our Father in Heaven,

hallowed be your name

your kingdom come

your will be done

on earth as in heaven.


Give us today our daily bread.


Forgive us our sins,

as we forgive those who sin against us.


Save us from the time of trial

and deliver us from evil.


For the kingdom, the power,

and glory are yours now and forever. 





Hymn: There is None Like You

Joshua Yeon                                          



There is none like You

No one else can touch

My heart like You do

I could search

For all eternity long and find

There is none like You


Your mercy flows like a river wide

And healing comes from Your hands

Suffering children are safe in Your arms

There is none like You


There is none like You

No one else can touch

My heart like You do

I could search

For all eternity long and find

There is none like You


Lenny LeBlanc

CCLI Licence # 260394





The offering will be used for the congregation’s continuing mission and ministry including young people and youth ministry in these changing times. Please make your offering through a Bank Deposit or a personal cheque whichever is convenient to you.


Account Name: Boronia Park Uniting Church

BSB: 634-634

Account: 100023784

Reference: Offering  


Please contact Robyn Harvey, Treasurer on 0418 783 290 or robyn.49@bigpond.net.au for more information about how to make Direct Debit.





1. Reopen our Sunday Worship Service on Sunday 29 November 2020, the First Sunday of Advent. 

You may click/tap to follow the link - Church Council Official Communication about Reopening for Worship



2. Donation needed – The following items are urgently needed by House of Welcome Foodbank:


Vegetable Oil-750ml bottles

Plain flour-1kg packets

Basmati rice-1 kg packets

Tuna cans-either in oil or spring water

Noodles-chicken or vegetable

Tinned diced tomatoes

Raw sugar-1kg packets

Laundry-Detergent powder.


Toilet paper



Chuck wipes

Disinfectant handwash

Dishwashing liquid




Food and sundries are urgently needed for asylum seekers and refugees in Sydney.  If you can donate any of the following, please contact Robyn Harvey on 0418 783 290 to arrange a convenient drop-off time at Boronia Uniting Church, 93A Pittwater Road, Hunters Hill. Your donation will be received on Thursday between 10-12pm and whenever the church door is open. Please join in showing your generosity by giving donation.


Click/tap to follow the link - Bags of Blessings_House of Welcome Flyer








We pray that God nurtures

the soil of the hearts of young people

and grants them a greater sensitivity to their spirit

so that they may grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus Christ.


The blessing of God almighty,

the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

be upon us and remain with us

now and for ever.


Let us go forth in the name of Jesus Christ

to grow our faith and increase God’s kingdom.




Click/tap to follow the link - pdf version of the worship resources